Research and De­velop­ment of
Reactive Systems

Welcome to the Bigraph Toolkit Suite (BTS). BTS aims to be a comprehensive toolkit, offering a range of extensible model-driven integration frameworks, languages, tools and IDEs. Its primary focus is on facilitating the manipulation and interchange of bigraphical models, along with enabling the simulation and model checking of bigraphical reactive systems. ​​All of these functionalities are designed to be platform-agnostic and implementation-independent.

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Reactive System Theory 
for Software

The Bigraph Theory provides a robust foundation for the formal modeling and reasoning of reactive systems. Building on this, the Bigraph Toolkit Suite (BTS) offers comprehensive tools and frameworks for designing and implementing reactive architectures and programming paradigms with integrated model-checking capabilities. 

  • Metamodeling:  BTS defines a family of metamodels designed for different purposes.
  • Validation: Model instances adhere to metamodels throughout BTS to maintain structural consistency.
  • Interoperability: Metamodels facilitate the development of toolchains and the exchange of data between different formats.
  • Verification: Bigraphical models serve as a formal language for analyzing and reasoning about parallel reactive systems.

Explore the Bi­graphical Tool­kit Suite

BTS, i.e., any of its constituents listed below, is licensed according to the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Visit the whole Bigraph Toolkit Suite at GitHub


BDSL (User Manual)

The user manual of the bigraphical domain-specific language.

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Bigraph Vending Machine (Slides)

Explanatory slide set of the bigraphical vending machine.

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Project Template

A Maven-based project template to get you started with Bigraph Framework.

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Bigraph Vending Machine (Java)

Java implementation of the bigraphical vending machine.

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Different paths, one goal

BTS supports many modeling and programming approaches, all unified by a common metamodel. Regardless of the approach used, the underlying metamodel ensures interoperability, serving as a shared data model.

  • The bigraph instance model is uniformly represented in XMI, a standard for exchanging metadata information via XML, ensures seamless interoperability across all APIs.
  • Visual modeling is intuitive and interactive, offering a user-friendly approach. 
  • The Bigraph Framework offers a programmatic Java API, providing advanced automation and flexibility, making it a powerful asset within the BTS ecosystem.

Combine the power

The various APIs offer different levels of abstraction for creating bigraphical models and programs, yet they are fully interoperable. You don’t need to choose one API at the expense of others; in fact, a single application can seamlessly utilize all these APIs together. 

"Both the kind and granularity of a problem suggest the tools to best work with in order to solve the problem."


This research project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) as part of Germany's Excellence Strategy - EXC 2050/1 - Project ID 390696704 - Cluster of Excellence "Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop" (CeTI) of Technische Universität Dresden.