Class BighuggiesBisimulationStringAdapter<AST extends AbstractTransitionSystem<?,?>>


public class BighuggiesBisimulationStringAdapter<AST extends AbstractTransitionSystem<?,?>> extends Object
An adapter for AbstractTransitionSystem objects in Bigraph Framework for the external Java library "bighuggies:bisimulation" (shaded in the Simulation Module dependency).

"bighuggies:bisimulation" computes bisimilarity for two LTSs. This functionality is made available to objects of type AbstractTransitionSystem in Bigraph Framework via this adapter class.

An AST is converted to a String representation of a Process that is parsed by "bighuggies" to create a Process. So this is less efficient than the BighuggiesBisimulationProcessAdapter.

Dominik Grzelak
See Also:
  • ""
  • Constructor Details

    • BighuggiesBisimulationStringAdapter

      public BighuggiesBisimulationStringAdapter(AST transitionSystem)
  • Method Details

    • apply

      public ByteArrayInputStream apply()
      "Applies" the adapter. The AST is translated to a String first, which represents the process specification as used in bighuggies.

      An input stream is delivered containing the string.

      process specification as input stream