Class BigraphDecomposer<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>

Type Parameters:
B - type of the bigraph
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class BigraphDecomposer<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>> extends Object
This class provides access to decomposition approaches to bigraphs. The strategy pattern is implemented to select the concrete decomposition approach. The specific decomposition algorithm is implemented by subclasses of the interface BigraphDecompositionStrategy.

Subclasses of BigraphDecomposer may offer additional methods depending on which specific decomposition strategy was used. For example, a subclass may return the partitions or provide other information.

An instance of this class can be created by calling the factory method create(BigraphDecompositionStrategy.DecompositionStrategy) and supplying the decomposition strategy.

Dominik Grzelak