Class AbstractReactionRule<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>

Type Parameters:
B - type of the bigraph
All Implemented Interfaces:
HasLabel, HasPriority, ReactionRule<B>
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractReactionRule.ReactiveSystemBoundReactionRule, GroundReactionRule, ParametricReactionRule

public abstract class AbstractReactionRule<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>> extends Object implements ReactionRule<B>
This base class represents an immutable data structure for all kinds of reaction rules. It contains the redex, reactum and an instantiation map.

The signature is inferred from the redex since both redex and reactum must have the same signature, otherwise an exception is thrown when instantiating a concrete reaction rule.

Other checks are also performed checking the reaction rule for conformity: Interfaces and "simpleness".

A rule is said to be linear when they do not duplicate or delete parameters.

Dominik Grzelak