Interface BigraphMatch<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>

Type Parameters:
B - the bigraph type of the match
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface BigraphMatch<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
This interface represents a result of a bigraph matching and is used by the BigraphMatchingEngine in the simulation module.
Dominik Grzelak
  • Method Details

    • getContext

      B getContext()
      The context of the match
      the context
    • getContextIdentity

      <BPrime extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>> BPrime getContextIdentity()
      Identity link graph for the composition of the context and the redex image (see getRedexImage().
      the identity link graph for the context
    • getRedex

      B getRedex()
      Returns the redex of the reaction rule.
      the redex of the reaction rule
    • getRedexIdentity

      <BPrime extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>> BPrime getRedexIdentity()
      Get the identity link graph of the redex to build the redex image.
      the identity link graph of the redex
    • getRedexImage

      B getRedexImage()
      Returns the redex image - the juxtaposition of the redex and a suitable identity.
      the product of the redex and identity link graph
    • getParameters

      Collection<B> getParameters()
      Get all parameters of the reaction rules as a list
      the parameters of the reaction rule
    • getParam

      B getParam()
    • wasRewritten

      boolean wasRewritten()