Interface BehavioralEquivalenceMixin<R extends AbstractTransitionSystem<? extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>>

Type Parameters:
R - type of the transition system
All Known Implementing Classes:
ReactionGraphExtended, StrongBisimulationMixinImpl, WeakBisimulationMixinImpl

public interface BehavioralEquivalenceMixin<R extends AbstractTransitionSystem<? extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>>
Mixin interface for behavioral equivalences on transition systems of type AbstractTransitionSystem in BTS. Behavioral equivalences are used to compare two transition systems to determine whether they exhibit similar behavior. This Mixin adds additional functionality to existing classes of AbstractTransitionSystem without modifying their source code directly.

The concrete mixin implementations essentially providing the implementation of isEquivalentTo(AbstractTransitionSystem). These specific mixin implementations are then used as follows: So-called "extended", "decorated", or "wrapper" classes of implementations of AbstractTransitionSystem can introduce this new behavior via the concrete mixin implementations (combined with a strategy pattern, for example). This allows to delegate calls to the new method of the wrapper class to this mixin interface (i.e., an implementation of it).

Dominik Grzelak
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    isEquivalentTo(R transitionSystem)
  • Method Details

    • isEquivalentTo

      boolean isEquivalentTo(R transitionSystem)