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Welcome to Bigraph Framework

This manual provides a complete guide to the Bigraph Framework.
Last Updated: 2024-12-13

  • Stable: 2.0.1 (main branch)
    • Previous Stable Versions: 1.1.0, 1.0.0
  • Latest Experimental Version: 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT (develop branch)
Version Compatibility

This table specifies the metamodel standards supported by the Bigraph Framework.

Bigraph FrameworkBigraph Ecore Metamodel, 1.6.1

This documentation reflects the latest experimental version.


Since version 1.0.0 of Bigraph Framework: The new groupID and base package name org.bigraphs.* is used instead of the former one*.

What is Bigraph Framework?​

Bigraph Framework is a software framework written in Java for the creation and simulation of bigraphs and bigraphical reactive systems to expedite the experimental evaluation of the bigraph theory in real-world applications.

The goal of this framework is to facilitate the implementation of reactive systems, including context-aware, agent-based systems or cyber-physical systems. The high level API eases the programming of bigraphical systems for various applications. The framework is developed around a metamodel-first approach, when working with bigraphical structures.


  • Modelling and Storage
    • Dynamic creation of bigraphs at design time and runtime based on the Bigraph Ecore Metamodel (BEM)
    • Read and write instance models and metamodels of a bigraph from and to the file system
  • Visualization
    • Graphical export via GraphViz/DOT
    • PNG, JPG, ...
    • Interactive visualization UI via GraphStream
    • Visualization of Compiler Graphs (VCG) format via yComp
  • Bigraphical Reactive Systems (BRS): Simulate the evolution of bigraphs by reaction rules
    • Bigraph matching and rewriting via jLibBig
    • Generation of a labeled transition system (LTS)
    • Simulation and Model Checking (BFS, Random)
    • Predicate checking, logical connectors, LTL
    • Specify order of reaction rules via priorities
    • Conditional rules (not yet integrated in model checking procedure but available for custom usage)
    • Tracking rules (a rule can be assigned a tracking map)
    • Model Transformations
    • Export a bigraph to common graph formats, e.g., DOT, GraphML, GXL, VCG
    • Export to formats of other bigraph tools: BigMC, BigraphER, BigRed, jLibBig, ...
    • Translate bigraphs to other graph classes: Ranked Graphs, multigraphs, ...
  • Attributed Bigraphs
    • Add arbitrary attributes to nodes
    • Attributes are preserved when doing rewriting (this requires tracking maps)

What are Bigraphs?​

Bigraphs are an emerging theory and metamodel for global ubiquitous systems, mobile computing, context-aware systems and the Internet of Things (IoT), or in general: for reactive systems. It is grounded on category theory and regarded as a unifying framework for many process calculi, including the ambient calculus, action calculi, Petri nets, the Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS) and π-calculus. The theory provides an algebra and a graph rewriting mechanism to describe, study and analyze the dynamic behavior of reactive systems.

Development Requirements​

  • Java >=17
  • Maven or Gradle
    • Minimum version of Maven: 3.8.3

Use / Install / Dependency Settings​

Bigraph Framework is online available as Maven dependency.

Artifacts are deployed to the Central Repository.

Building from Source

To build the source by yourself, follow the inside the code repository.

Quick Start: Starter Project Template​

To get started using Bigraph Framework right away, download the Maven-based Project Skeleton

The README contained therein, describes how to compile and start an application.

Alternatively, follow the step-by-step project setup as described in the following.

Package Dependencies​

Depending on the build management tool you are using, one of the following configuration for Maven or Gradle is necessary.

Add this inside the dependencies section of your project's *.pom file. Replace VERSION with the latest version.

<!-- core module -->
<!-- simulation module -->
<!-- visualization module -->
<!-- converter module -->

Repository Setup for SNAPSHOT Releases​

No additional configuration is necessary to resolve the dependencies above!

However, if you want SNAPSHOT releases, the following custom repository must be added as well. The configuration for Maven and Gradle is provided below.

The following Maven repository entry must be added to the repositories element of a pom.xml of a Maven-based Java project:


Logging Configuration​

Bigraph Framework employs SLF4J as a facade for the log4j logging framework.

Depending on your project setup, you may need to include the following libraries in your pom.xml:

<!-- For any Maven project in general -->
<!-- Use a no-operation (NOP) logger implementation -->
<!-- or, for example, the reload4j implementation (fork of log4j) -->

<!-- When used within a Spring project -->

Not including these dependencies will result in warnings. The example above shows how to use a NOP logger or a reload4j as the underlying logging framework in your project.