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Composition of Bigraphs

Composition allows to build larger bigraphs easily by means of their categorical operators tensor product and composition.

The tensor product allows the place two bigraphs side-by-side. Composition on the other hand may place one bigraph under another.

By using these operations, one may specify several bigraphs individually from each other before creating a more complex one. This concept enables a form of modularization when modeling bigraphs.


Refer also to JavaDoc of the BigraphComposite interface and its implementations.


BigraphComposite#compose(Bigraph<S> inner)​

Places the inner bigraph f inter to the outer bigraph.

BigraphComposite#compose(BigraphComposite<S> inner)​

Places the inner bigraph composite f inter to the outer bigraph.

Parallel Product​

juxtapose(Bigraph<S> f)​

Places the inner bigraph f next to the outer bigraph. Link names must be distinct.

juxtapose(BigraphComposite<S> f)​

Places the inner bigraph composite f next to the outer bigraph. Link names must be distinct.

parallelProduct(Bigraph<S> f)​

Places the inner bigraph f next to each other with link sharing.

parallelProduct(BigraphComposite<S> f)​

Places the inner bigraph composite f next to each other with link sharing.

parallelProductOf(Bigraph<S>... bigraphs)​

Convenient method do put several bigraphs next to each other with link sharing.

juxtpositionOf(Bigraph<S>... bigraphs)​

Convenient method do put several bigraphs next to each other with link sharing.