Usage with Bigraph Builder
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The helper class BigraphUtil
provides the following static method to conveniently convert a loaded bigraph metamodel and instance model
to a PureBigraph
BigraphUtil#toBigraph(EPackage metaModel, EObject instanceModel, DefaultDynamicSignature signature): PureBigraph;
This method internally just calls PureBigraphBuilder.create(signature.getInstanceModel(), metaModel, instanceModel).createBigraph()
as described in the following.
Both models can be loaded as described on the previous page.
Loading Bigraph Metamodels via the Builder​
The user must supply the signature and the filename or instance of the metamodel to instantiate a builder class.
Therefore, the PureBigraphBuilder
provides the following static methods:
// Create a builder using only the meta-model
public static <S extends Signature> PureBigraphBuilder<S> create(@NonNull S signature, String metaModelFileName)
public static <S extends Signature> PureBigraphBuilder<S> create(@NonNull S signature, EMetaModelData metaModelData)
// In combination with the instance model
public static <S extends Signature> PureBigraphBuilder<S> create(@NonNull S signature, String metaModelFilePath, String instanceModelFilePath) throws BigraphMetaModelLoadingFailedException
public static <S extends Signature> PureBigraphBuilder<S> create(@NonNull S signature, EPackage metaModel, EObject instanceModel)
Then, the builder may produce a bigraph by using its available methods as normal.
It is still necessary to supply the signature information as a separate object. The reason is that not all information is recorded in the metamodel of the bigraph concerning the signature. Some properties that are missing include the arity of the control, or whether it is active, passive or atomic; to mention a few.
PureBigraphBuilder#create(Signature, EMetaModelData)
Create a builder with a given metamodel instance.
PureBigraphBuilder#create(Signature, String)
Create a builder with a given metamodel file located on the filesystem.
Loading Bigraph Instance Models via the Builder​
Bigraphs are per-se immutable data structures in Bigraph Framework. One can use the builder to instantiate bigraphs. Therefore, a bigraph builder is prepared:
Signature<DefaultDynamicControl> signature = ...;
PureBigraphBuilder builder = PureBigraphBuilder.create(signature, "meta-model.xmi", "instance-model.ecore");
Then, the builder can be used as normal. One can, however, do not alter the pre-defined structure, but adding new elements is still possible.
PureBigraphBuilder#create(Signature, String, String)
Provide a signature, and the filename of the metamodel and instance model to create a builder instance.
PureBigraphBuilder#create(Signature, EPackage, EObject)
Provide a signature and the loaded metamodel and instance model to create a builder instance.