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Exporting to BigRed​

Exporting Signatures​

To export a DefaultDynamicSignature as BigRed *.bigraph-signature file, you may use the SignatureAdapter class in combination with BigRed's org.bigraph.model.savers.SignatureXMLSaver:

DefaultDynamicSignature signature = ...;
SignatureAdapter signatureAdapter = new SignatureAdapter(signature);

PrintStream out = new PrintStream(System.out);
SignatureXMLSaver sx = new SignatureXMLSaver();

This approach mainly used the underlying functionality of the BigRed library.

Loading BigRed XML files (Signatures, Agents, Rules, Simulation Specification)​

Loading Signatures​

To load a BigRed *.bigraph-signature file use the org.bigraphs.framework.converter.bigred.converter.DefaultSignatureXMLLoader class:

DefaultSignatureXMLLoader sxl = new DefaultSignatureXMLLoader();
DefaultDynamicSignature signature = sxl.importObject();

Loading Agents​

To load a BigRed *.bigraph-agent file use the org.bigraphs.framework.converter.bigred.converter.DefaultBigraphXMLLoader class:

DefaultBigraphXMLLoader bxl = new DefaultBigraphXMLLoader();
PureBigraph simpleBigraph = bxl.importObject();

BigRed agent specifications are imported as PureBigraph instances.

Loading Reaction Rules​

To load a BigRed *.bigraph-rule file use the org.bigraphs.framework.converter.bigred.converter.DefaultReactionRuleXMLLoader class:

DefaultReactionRuleXMLLoader rxl = new DefaultReactionRuleXMLLoader();
ParametricReactionRule<PureBigraph> finishJob = rxl.importObject();

BigRed reaction rule specifications are imported as ParametricReactionRule<PureBigraph> instances.

The loaders are separate and custom implementations that parse BigRed's XML files. They do not use the underlying functionality of the BigRed library as the adapter class for writing bigraph entities.

Loading a Simulation Specification​

To load a BigRed *.bigraph-simulation-spec file, use the org.bigraphs.framework.converter.bigred.converter.DefaultSimulationSpecXMLLoader class:

DefaultSimulationSpecXMLLoader ssxl = new DefaultSimulationSpecXMLLoader();
PureReactiveSystem pureReactiveSystem = ssxl.importObject();

A BigRed simulation specification represents a bigraphical reactive system and is imported as a PureReactiveSystem instance.