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Bigraphical Predicates

This section explains how to create predicates for model checking.

Important generic abstract class: org.bigraphs.framework.core.reactivesystem.ReactiveSystemPredicate<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>.

Adding Predicates​

Any sub-class of AbstractSimpleReactiveSystem<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>> provides the following method for adding predicates:

AbstractSimpleReactiveSystem#addPredicate(ReactiveSystemPredicates<B> predicate)

Listening to Predicate Evaluation​

If predicates are added to a reactive system instance, one can add additional logic when these predicates gets evaluated.

Therefore, one must add a listener the bigraph model checker instance by calling BigraphModelChecker<B>#setReactiveSystemListener(BigraphModelChecker.ReactiveSystemListener<B> reactiveSystemListener) or by passing the object as argument in one of its constructors.

The listener BigraphModelChecker.ReactiveSystemListener<B> contains several methods for getting the evaluation result of a predicate match.


This method is called if all available predicates of a reactive system evaluated to true in one state. In this case, the method ReactiveSystemListener#onPredicateMatched(Bigraph, ReactiveSystemPredicates) is not called.

It has the following arguments:

  • B currentAgent: the agent


This method is called if a predicate evaluated to {@code true} after a transition. It is only called if not all predicates yielded true.

It has the following arguments:

  • B currentAgent: the agent
  • ReactiveSystemPredicates<B> predicate: the predicate


Reports a violation of a predicate and supplies a counterexample trace from the initial state to the violating state. It has the following arguments:

  • B currentAgent: the agent
  • ReactiveSystemPredicates<B> predicate: the predicate
  • GraphPath<ReactionGraph.LabeledNode, ReactionGraph.LabeledEdge> counterExampleTrace: the trace representing a counterexample

Types of predicates​

AndPredicate<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>​

BigraphIsoPredicate<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>​

OrPredicate<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>​

SubBigraphMatchPredicate<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>​