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Changing Styles

Changing Styles​

The visual representation of the shapes and the colors can be adjusted when exporting an image. Therefore, special suppliers must be provided by the user. To do so, all suppliers must extend the generic class GraphicalFeatureSupplier<V>. Direct subclasses represent the graphical attributes that can be changed. Implementations of these subclasses represent concrete graphical suppliers for a specific visualization library.

That is, the graphical attributes that can be changed are specific to a visualization library. This is indicated by the generic type parameter V that represents the type of the object that is returned when a supplier's GraphicalFeatureSupplier<V>#get() method is called.

For instance, the Java GraphViz library processes objects of type guru.nidi.graphviz.attribute.Shape. The class org.bigraphs.framework.visualization.supplier.GraphvizShapeSupplier implements the abstract class DefaultShapeSupplier<V> by binding V to guru.nidi.graphviz.attribute.Shape.

Each graphics exporter accepts some of these suppliers. One has to call the method BigraphGraphicsExporter<T>#with(GraphicalFeatureSupplier<V>) to add graphical suppliers to a concrete graphics exporter.


Allows to change the identifiers of the nodes and links.


Allows to change the shape of all bigraph entities such as nodes, outer names or inner names.


Allows to change the color of the shapes with regards to type of a bigraphical element.