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VCG Format

Bigraphs can be visualized by converting it first into the Visualization of Compiler Graphs (VCG) format. Afterward, the VCG file can be visualized using yComp.


yComp is a Java-based visualization tool that reads and renders graphs in the VCG format and supports several layouts.

Usage Example​

To visualize a bigraph in that way, the bigraph has to be converted to the VCG format first:

PureBigraph bigraph = createBigraph();
VCGTransformator vcgExport = new VCGTransformator();
FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("graph-output.vcg");
vcgExport.toOutputStream(bigraph, fout);

Then, the resulting file graph-output.vcg can be loaded and visualized by yComp. Therefore, execute the following command:

ycomp graph-output.vcg

yComp can be acquired here and is also shipped with GrGen.NET.