All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class for all agent match suppliers.
AbstractBigraphFactory<S extends AbstractEcoreSignature<? extends Control<? extends NamedType<?>,? extends FiniteOrdinal<?>>>>
Abstract factory class for all kind of bigraphs.
AbstractBigraphMatcher<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
This class is responsible for executing bigraph matching.
AbstractControl<NT extends NamedType<?>,V extends FiniteOrdinal<?>>
Abstract class representing a control of a signature.
An adapter for bigraphs used for the matching procedure.
Data structure to represent a pair
Abstract class for Ecore-based signatures.
Abstract base class for a ranked graph representation for different classes of bigraphs.
Represents the two types of nodes of a ranked graph: place nodes and link nodes.
AbstractReactionRule<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
This base class represents an immutable data structure for all kinds of reaction rules.
Abstract base class for all reaction rule suppliers.
Abstract class of a "nice and simple" bigraphical reactive system (BRS).
A bigraphical reactive system (BRS) bounded to a reaction graph.
Abstract base class representing the minimal data structure for all concrete transition system implementations.
AndPredicate<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
A composite predicate which concatenates all given predicates with the and operator.
Mixin Infrastructure-related class.
An adapter for AbstractTransitionSystem objects in Bigraph Framework for the external Java library "bighuggies:bisimulation" (shaded in the Simulation Module dependency).
An adapter for AbstractTransitionSystem objects in Bigraph Framework for the external Java library "bighuggies:bisimulation" (shaded in the Simulation Module dependency).
Implementation of ReactiveSystemPrettyPrinter for the transformation of pure EMOF-based bigraphs to BigMC's term language.
Bigraph<S extends Signature<?>>
Generic bigraph interface of all bigraph entities in this framework.
Common bigraph builder interface.
A BigraphBuilder.NodeHierarchy contains a collection of nodes in a tree structure and is related to the current BigraphBuilder instance.
BigraphBuilderSupport<S extends Signature<? extends Control<?,?>>>
Supporting base class for concrete bigraph builder implementations.
This helper class creates a unique (canonical) label for a place graph of a bigraph such that two isomorphic place graphs have the same label.
BigraphComposite<S extends Signature<? extends Control<?,?>>>
Common interface for the composition of bigraphs.
This class provides a collection of useful methods for implementations of BigraphComposite
BigraphDecomposer<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
This class provides access to decomposition approaches to bigraphs.
Strategy interface for concrete bigraph decomposition implementations.
Delegator class for bigraphs (currently only suitable for pure bigraphs, e.g., no getParents() method available)
Wrapper-like classes for the dynamic EMF model of bigraphs.
Enums for all bigraph types.
Implementation of ReactiveSystemPrettyPrinter for the transformation of pure EMOF-based bigraphs to bigraphER's specification language.
A bigraph factory class that provides a simplified main entry point for the developer/user to create arbitrary bigraphs and signatures.
A map from signature to bigraphical EPackage (typed graph with signature extension).
A simple file-based model management utility class that serializes (deserializes) to (from) XMI and Ecore: Serializes/Exports Ecore-based bigraph model objects (EObject and EPackage) to *.xmi and *.ecore Deserializes/Imports Ecore files (*.xmi and *.ecore) to Ecore-based bigraph model objects (EObject and EPackage)
Minimal common interface for all graphics exporters
This class visualizes a bigraph by means of GraphViz.
BigraphHashFunction<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
Base interface to implement hash functions for bigraphs.
BigraphIsoPredicate<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
Predicate implementation that returns true if two bigraphs are isomorphic (i.e., structurally equivalent).
BigraphMatch<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
This interface represents a result of a bigraph matching and is used by the BigraphMatchingEngine in the simulation module.
BigraphMatchingEngine<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
Interface for implementing a matching algorithm for a concrete bigraph kind (e.g., pure bigraphs).
Some metamodel constants to conveniently refer to for the BigraphBaseMetaModel.
BigraphModelChecker<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
A bigraph model checker that allows to simulate a BRS by reaction rules.
Enum-like class that holds all kind of simulations.
BigraphPrettyPrinter<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
A pretty printer interface for just bigraphs.
Exports a bigraph, encoded as a ranked graph, to a diagram.
A collection of useful bigraph-related operations and queries.
Support class for BigRed XML loader implementations.
BindingControl<NT extends NamedType<?>,FO extends FiniteOrdinal<?>>
Note: This class is not yet implemented!
Note: This class is not yet implemented!
This implementation provides a basic extensible (template) method for computing bisimilarity of LTSs.
BMatchResult<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
Generic interface for bigraph rewriting matching results.
BreadthFirstStrategy<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
The algorithm implemented here to synthesize the "reaction graph" is adopted from [1].
In the definition of a reaction, the site of the context must be active, where the part of the redex is rewritten.
Super interface for all control representations.
ControlBuilder<NT extends NamedType<?>,V extends FiniteOrdinal<?>,B extends ControlBuilder<NT,V,B>>
Abstract class for all control builder implementations.
Exception that is thrown when it is tried to nest a another node within an atomic node.
Enum that represents the kind/status of a control.
Class to load a BigRed XML file containing a bigraph instance.
A supplier for the color of a node or edge in a graph.
Immutable dynamic control.
Concrete implementation of a pure (dynamic) signature, where controls can be assigned a status = (active, passive, atomic).
A generic supplier for String labels.
Class to load a BigRed XML file containing a reaction rule.
A supplier for the shape of a node.
Class to load a BigRed XML file containing a signature.
Class to load a BigRed XML file containing a signature.
DiscreteIon<S extends AbstractEcoreSignature<? extends Control<? extends NamedType<?>,? extends FiniteOrdinal<?>>>>
This class represents a discrete ion.
A distributed random number generator.
DOT file exporter for transition systems of type ReactionGraph.
The concrete dynamic control builder used by the DynamicSignatureBuilder.
The default signature with "dynamic" controls, meaning that controls can be active, passive or atomic.
Common interface with standard methods for all Ecore-based bigraph classes.
A lightweight container for a bigraph that holds only the Ecore-relevant objects.
Marker interface for Ecore-based bigraphical object (e.g., a bigraph or signature) that provides just two basic methods to get the metamodel (EPackage), and the instance model (EObject).
Indicates any error that happens during a bigraph model file operation.
Interface for all Ecore-based signatures.
Interface for the basic building blocks for all Ecore-based bigraphs.
Meta data for bigraphical Ecore model files.
Builder class to create EMetaModelData instances.
A collection of helpful EMF model operations.
Data type for a finite ordinal which is used to represent the arity of a control or a value in the interface of a bigraph.
Default executor provider for the model checking task submission.
Base abstract supplier class for all graphical attributes of a Graphviz graph.
Utility class for converting bigraph objects into a GraphML document.
Converts a Graphviz DOT file to a PNG file by calling the dot process directly.
GroundReactionRule<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
Concrete implementation of a ground reaction rule.
An abstract class to represent the attr-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the attr-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the attr-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the attr-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
Abstract class to provide the create-and close-methods for any GXL-construct that is attributed.
Abstract class to provide the create-and close-methods for any GXL-construct that is attributed.
Abstract class to provide the create-and close-methods for any GXL-construct that is attributed.
Abstract class to provide the create-and close-methods for any GXL-construct that is attributed.
An abstract class to represent the bag-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the bag-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the bag-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the bag-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the edge-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the edge-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the edge-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the edge-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the graph-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the graph-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the graph-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the graph-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
Abstract class to provide the create-and close-methods for any GXL-construct that is a graph-container.
Abstract class to provide the create-and close-methods for any GXL-construct that is a graph-container.
Abstract class to provide the create-and close-methods for any GXL-construct that is a graph-container.
Abstract class to provide the create-and close-methods for any GXL-construct that is a graph-container.
An abstract class to represent the gxl-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the gxl-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the gxl-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the gxl-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the locator-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the locator-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the locator-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the locator-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the node-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the node-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the node-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the node-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
This class is to centralize the output-management of the framework.
This class is to centralize the output-management of the framework.
This class is to centralize the output-management of the framework.
This class is to centralize the output-management of the framework.
An abstract class to represent the rel-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the rel-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the rel-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the rel-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the relend-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the relend-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the relend-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the relend-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the seq-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the seq-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the seq-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the seq-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the set-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the set-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the set-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the set-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
Abstract class to provide the setAttributeValue() and close()-method for any GXL-construct except the atomic Values.
Abstract class to provide the setAttributeValue() and close()-method for any GXL-construct except the atomic Values.
Abstract class to provide the setAttributeValue() and close()-method for any GXL-construct except the atomic Values.
Abstract class to provide the setAttributeValue() and close()-method for any GXL-construct except the atomic Values.
Interface to define the create-and close-methods and the printData-method for the standard values.
Interface to define the create-and close-methods and the printData-method for the standard values.
Interface to define the create-and close-methods and the printData-method for the standard values.
Interface to define the create-and close-methods and the printData-method for the standard values.
An abstract class to represent the tup-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the tup-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the tup-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the tup-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the type-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the type-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the type-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
An abstract class to represent the type-Construct of the GXL-DTD.
Abstract class to provide the create-and close-methods for any GXL-construct that is typed and attributed.
Abstract class to provide the create-and close-methods for any GXL-construct that is typed and attributed.
Abstract class to provide the create-and close-methods for any GXL-construct that is typed and attributed.
Abstract class to provide the create-and close-methods for any GXL-construct that is typed and attributed.
Abstract class to provide the printData()-method and the create()-and close() methods for any GXL-construct that is an untyped standard-value-container (e.g. set, seq, ...).
Abstract class to provide the printData()-method and the create()-and close() methods for any GXL-construct that is an untyped standard-value-container (e.g. set, seq, ...).
Abstract class to provide the printData()-method and the create()-and close() methods for any GXL-construct that is an untyped standard-value-container (e.g. set, seq, ...).
Abstract class to provide the printData()-method and the create()-and close() methods for any GXL-construct that is an untyped standard-value-container (e.g. set, seq, ...).
Interface for entities that have an identifier, meaning, they can be labelled.
Marker interface that indicates the object has a label.
Marker interface that indicates the object has a label.
When the user is trying to connect an inner name to an outer name where the inner name is already connected to an edge which connects nodes or other inner names.
Specific implementation of the AbstractReactionRuleSupplier.
An instantiation map for a parametric reaction rule.
Exception that is thrown with operations on controls where the arity must be considered, e.g., connecting links to a node with no free ports.
Base exception class for any invalid connection.
Analog implementation to DynamicControlBuilder for controls of kind signatures.
Concrete implementation of a pure (dynamic) signature, where controls can be assigned a status = (active, passive), and further place-sorts can be defined for each control.
Builder class for kind signatures.
A place-sort for a kind signature.
Linkings<S extends AbstractEcoreSignature<? extends Control<?,?>>>
A linking is a node-free bigraph.
MatchIterable<T extends BigraphMatch<? extends Bigraph<?>>>
Custom iterable implementation for matches of type BigraphMatch.
Some utility methods for memory-based operations.
This class represents the available options for the model checker BigraphModelChecker.
This class represents export-specific options regarding the generated artifacts when synthesizing the transition system.
Class that represents simulation-specific options.
Default values:
allow reducible classes: false
ModelCheckingStrategy<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
Strategy pattern for implementing new model checking algorithms.
Base class for supporting model checking strategy implementations.
A generic mutable builder intended to be used for all bigraph types
Custom implementation of mxGraph to adjust the node and edge styling.
Data type for an element of a name set which is used within an interface of a bigraph.
OrPredicate<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
A composite predicate which concatenates all given predicates with the or operator.
ParametricReactionRule<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
Concrete implementation of a parametric reaction rule.
Placings<S extends AbstractEcoreSignature<? extends Control<?,?>>>
A placing is a node-free bigraph.
PredicateChecker<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
The task of the class is to evaluate a given set of predicates of class ReactiveSystemPredicate.
This class is an Ecore-based model implementation of a pure bigraph.
A pretty printer for bigraphs that need to be encoded as GraphML documents.
A concrete implementation of BigraphBuilder for pure bigraphs.
Composable bigraph implementation of BigraphComposite for pure bigraphs.
A random generator for pure bigraphs.
A matcher for PureBigraphs.
Matching algorithm for pure bigraphs (see PureBigraph).
An implementation of a BigraphModelChecker for model checking of BRS with pure bigraphs (see PureBigraph).
This class represents the result of a valid match.
The concrete strategy to compute the canonical string of a pure bigraph (PureBigraph).
This class implements the Union-Find-Algorithm to check whether a graph is connected or not.
Generic subclass that solves the connectedness problem of a graph.
Iterator implementation for bigraph matching.
An implementation of an AbstractSimpleReactiveSystem providing a simple BRS data structure for pure bigraphs (see PureBigraph) and possibly later also binding bigraphs, bigraphs with sharing etc.
Specific implementation of AbstractAgentMatchSupplier.
Random state-space traversal without cycle-checking and predicate evaluation.
Generates random bigraphs.
ReactionGraph<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
This data structure represents a "reaction graph", analogous to a labeled transition system.
ReactionGraphAnalysis<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
This class provides various analysis methods/operations based on labelled transition system, specifically, for the ReactionGraph class.
Object containing one path from a state v of a reaction graph to one leave of the subtree rooted at state v
ReactionGraphCollapsed<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
This class represents a "collapsed", "reduced" reaction graph, possibly consolidated by a minimization algorithm (e.g., bisim minimization).
ReactionGraphExporter<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
A graphics exporter for reaction graphs.
ReactionGraphExtended<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
This is a "wrapper" class that extends the basic reaction graph structure ReactionGraph, and contains an instance of the behavioral equivalence mixin implementation of BehavioralEquivalenceMixin.
General interface for all exporters handling transition system objects.
ReactionGraphStats<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
ReactionRule<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
Common interface for reaction rules.
ReactiveSystem<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
Base interface for bigraphical reactive systems.
Predicate interface for the reaction graph.
A generic pretty printer interface for bigraphical reactive systems.
Exception that indicates that a redex of a parametric reaction rule is not simple.
Signature<C extends Control<?,?>>
Common interface of a bigraph's signature.
Adapter for our Signature class to be used with SignatureXMLSaver.
SignatureBuilder<NT extends NamedType<?>,FO extends FiniteOrdinal<?>,C extends ControlBuilder<NT,FO,C>,B extends SignatureBuilder<?,?,?,?>>
Abstract base builder class for all types of signatures.
Default implementation for an element of a name set.
Mixin Infrastructure-related class.
Some styling constants for the reaction graph export.
Simple predicate implementation that returns true if one bigraph is contained in another (subbigraph matching problem).
Exception is thrown inside a builder when the node has no free ports but a connection to a link (i.e., edge or outer name) is tried to make.
Tracking map for reaction rules.
TransitionTriple<B extends Bigraph<? extends Signature<?>>>
A transition of a labelled transition system is a triple containing the source and target and the label (i.e., the arrow itself which is a bigraph as well).
This pretty printer class transforms pure bigraphs of type PureBigraph to the Visualization of Compiler Graphs (VCG) format.
This class provides the implementation of the interface BehavioralEquivalenceMixin for the bisimulation equivalence relation.